個人情報保護方針 / Privacy Policy

行政書士法人YUGE OFFICEは、出入国在留管理局、その他官公庁へ申請する許認可申請における書面作成、申請代行並びに公証役場での各手続きを行い、依頼者様の円滑で公平な行政サービスの享受に資するための委任業務を提供しています。当社では事業運営上多くの依頼者様の個人情報を取扱うこととなるため、行政書士倫理綱領に基づいて本方針を定め、個人情報管理体制を確立し、企業として責任ある対応を実現するものとします。



二、 個人情報は、適法かつ適正な方法で取得します。

三、 個人情報は、本人の同意なく第三者に提供しません。

四、 個人情報の管理にあたっては、漏洩・滅失・毀損の防止及び是正、その他の安全管理のために必要かつ適切な措置を講じるよう努めます。

五、 個人情報保護に関する法令を遵守し、事務所内の管理体制につき継続的な見直しを行います。

六、 個人情報保護に関する苦情及び相談に対応する窓口を設けて、適切に対応するよう努めます。

The administrative scrivener Yuge office conducts document preparation, application substitution and procedures at the notary office in the application for permission to apply to the Immigration Bureau, other government offices, and to contribute to the enjoyment of smooth and fair administrative services of the client We provide delegation services. Since we will handle personal information of many clients on business management, we will establish this policy based on the Code of Ethics of Administrative Scrivener, establish a personal information management system, and realize responsible responses as a company I will. 

1. Identify the purpose of using personal information and handle it within the range necessary for achieving the purpose. We also take measures to prevent non-purpose use.

2. We will acquire personal information in a lawful and proper manner.

3. Personal information will not be provided to third parties without your consent.

4. In managing personal information, we will endeavor to take necessary and appropriate measures for prevention and correction of leakage, destruction and damage, and other safety management.

5. We will comply with laws concerning personal information protection and will continuously review the management system within the office.

6. We will set up windows to respond to complaints and consultation concerning personal information protection and make efforts to respond appropriately.


行政書士法人YUGE OFFICE・合同会社ハッピーアトラクション
代表社員 行政書士 弓削勇介

令和4年 2月24日改訂
Revised on Oct. 22, 2022




Code of Ethics for Administrative Scriveners

The mission of Gyoseishoshi Lawyer is to contribute to the improvement of the lives of the people and the prosperity and progress of society as a link between the people and the government.
The Gyoseishoshi Lawyer shall be dedicated to its mission, uphold its honor, and live up to the trust of the people.
The Gyoseishoshi Lawyer shall protect the rights of the people and contribute to the fulfillment of their obligations.
The Gyoseishoshi Lawyer shall abide by all laws and regulations, be familiar with their work, and perform their duties in a fair and sincere manner.
(3) Gyoseishoshi Lawyer shall polish their character and strive to cultivate good sense and education.
Administrative scriveners shall strive for mutual harmony and shall not violate the principles of trust.


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  • 06-6948-6969