二、 個人情報は、適法かつ適正な方法で取得します。
三、 個人情報は、本人の同意なく第三者に提供しません。
四、 個人情報の管理にあたっては、漏洩・滅失・毀損の防止及び是正、その他の安全管理のために必要かつ適切な措置を講じるよう努めます。
五、 個人情報保護に関する法令を遵守し、事務所内の管理体制につき継続的な見直しを行います。
六、 個人情報保護に関する苦情及び相談に対応する窓口を設けて、適切に対応するよう努めます。
エイドスフィア行政書士法人 代表行政書士 弓削勇介
The AID-SPHERE administrative lawyers corporation prepares documents for permit applications to the Immigration Bureau and other government agencies, performs application agency and each procedure at the notary public office, and contributes to the smooth and fair enjoyment of administrative services by the client. We provide delegation work. Since we will handle the personal information of many clients in business operations, we will establish this policy based on the Administrative Scrivener Code of Ethics, establish a personal information management system, and realize responsible response as a company. I will.
1. We will specify the purpose of use of personal information and handle it within the scope necessary to achieve that purpose. In addition, we will take measures to prevent unintended use.
Second, personal information will be acquired in a legal and appropriate manner.
Third, personal information will not be provided to a third party without the consent of the person.
4. In managing personal information, we will endeavor to take necessary and appropriate measures for the prevention and correction of leakage, loss and damage, and other safety management.
5. We will comply with laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information and continuously review the management system in the office.
6. We will endeavor to respond appropriately by establishing a contact point for complaints and consultations regarding the protection of personal information.
AID-SPHERE administrative lawyers corporation
Representative Administrative scrivener / Immigration Lawyer Yusuke Yuge
Revised on October 22, 2024